Автор: Igor Petrov

Finishing Wax Compound

Finishing Wax Compound

(Русскоязычная версия) Every time I do not get tired of being amazed by the incredible ability of my friend Wendy Rome to organize and structure my chaotic thoughts. Many thanks to her for this!Igor Petrov Finishing Wooden Utensils:  A Historical Perspective People have used wooden bowls, spoons, and other utensils since ancient times. Our ancestors used local woods to make their spoons: linden, birch, oak, cherry, plum, juniper – each region had its own specialty woods. The local trees offered…

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There are many of us

There are many of us

I added a new item to the main menu: «Map». There you can see how many of my spoons benefit people around the world. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you all, friends, for helping me and my family and giving me the opportunity to make even more good and useful wooden things. Look how many of us there are around the world:

Salvaged wood remains

Salvaged wood remains

I would like to say thanks a lot to my American friend Wendy Rome for her invaluable assistance in editing this article. Igor Petrov I make spoons from beautiful wood and these spoons help people and make them happy — a lot happier than the meager few BTUs someone might have had from burning that wood. In fact, that’s how I got started in wood carving — I saw all these wonderful pieces of material going to waste. I knew…

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Как я делаю деревянные ложки

Как я делаю деревянные ложки

(English version) Я вырезаю ложки из древесины, которую нахожу вокруг. Поваленные ветром деревья в роще, спиленные ветки в городе, подходящие доски на свалке — все то, что обычными людьми воспринимается как мусор, для меня кажется новой и интересной возможностью. Очень многие люди из разных частей мира просили меня рассказать о том, как я делаю свои деревянные ложки. Некоторым просто любопытно, другие проявляют профессиональный интерес, задают вопросы или дают советы, которым я всегда искренне рад. Я написал эту статью, чтобы поделиться…

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About my experiment with cherry wood

About my experiment with cherry wood

A new experience is always interesting and useful. Here’s a case, then… The thought came to me to present a spoon to relatives who would call on a visit on their way home. Of course I have a finished one… And not one. But I like to make personalized items. For a specific person. And at the disposal of the whole evening, day and some new cherry blanks. Raw blanks. I thought, thought, and decided on an experiment. In case…

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Let’s bake’n’roll!

Let’s bake’n’roll!

I would like to say thanks a lot to my American friend Wendy Rome for her invaluable assistance in editing this article and systematizing my chaotic thoughts. Igor Petrov (Русскоязычная версия) People often ask why I bake spoons in the oven. They want to know how I do it and what happens as a result. I’ve answered these questions in various forums, but not all people belong to these groups. In this article, I talk about this mysterious baking process…

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